Terminal Parking Garage Enhancements

​​​​​​​​To provide the best experience for Chicago-based travelers at Midway, parking enhancements at Midway’s main parking garage are critical to the airport’s modernization. The project, completed in 2021, included many technological upgrades, such as:

  • Elevator Modernization.
  • Enhancements to the existing terminal garage with improvements to the exit plaza.
  • A new revenue control system for more efficient entry and exiting.
  • New electrical vehicle charging stations.​
  • ​Energy-efficient electrical upgrades including LED lighting.
  • Drainage upgrades, and other civil improvements.

With these enhancements, passengers enjoy a more intuitive and streamlined experience when parking at Midway. As part of the terminal parking structure enhancements, ADA improvements were implemented at the nearby Midway Kiss ‘n’ Ride, including a designated passenger loading and unloading zone, a raised accessible path, and new signage. These improvements were also completed in 2021.
